Don't think of doing things, Enjoy doing it.

As per my learning from various sources about nature of mind and experiments I did to experience how better we can achieve doing things, Here are few things we should try to practice to think while doing anything. it may take some time of practice to be really used to new way of thinking.

Before jumping on what we should do, let's see what all type of mind tricks come across us which decreases energy and focusing while doing anything we plan to do.

  • Often mind goes in past, present and future.
  • Mind gets thoughts which we don't want to get because we know its taking the focus away from what We are trying to do be it anything from studying, to working on a task or project.
  • Now because of thoughts we depending on whether they are positive or encouraging, it may decrease or increase our energy or enthusiasm to focus and do our work. 
  • Another important factor could be hurdles coming in each ways or steps(one after another) of doing that decreases energy as well. 

So here are few things I suggest to try in order to maintain energy and focus on what we have planned.

  • Mind is very strong faculty and helps us do what we truly asks it to do, So we should first start by saying at this time (or for a defined period of time) or until i get this done, I want to do nothing but only to be enjoy doing it will contentment, focus, happiness and with my all energy and creativity. this asks our mind to have a great enjoyable goal.
  • Second we should say I really want to enjoy completing this all setbacks and hurdles coming my way are teaching me be more patient, all these hurdles or setbacks are teaching me new things, and if i welcome this scenarios and feel encouraged to solve them then i am making myself prepared many times much better for next things in my life. 
  • Third thing we should say I would need minimal break to get take my focus away from my work for a little while which energizes me and quickly i get back to enjoy doing my goal.
  • I am truly capable doing this and enjoying all the learning coming out of doing my work.
  • When we find ourselves getting uncontrolled thoughts about anything other than our work, then we should not resist them but we should ask ourselves all these thoughts are welcome and they are coming and going like a could in sky and i don't mind them and i am still enjoying my work, these or any other thoughts are fine to keep coming. This technique helps not getting trapped in those thoughts by engaging with them.
  • After little while remind ourselves how may things I have learnt while doing this work.
  • we should remind ourselves that never compare our pace of leaning from anyone because everyone is having different amount of meta data about everything involved i need to know for doing this work. Everyone has different level of motivation of doing the same work. Everyone has different sources of information and different things going on in their life and so on, there are many things everyone has different so there is never a benefit of comparing pace of learning  of one person vs another. and its not great idea to encourage by saying others are able to do things faster because they are smarter or anything special or better than me. I am equally capable of doing anything, i am getting better at doing things than previous version of me, that most important.
  •  Lastly we should remember to think all these things everyday unless we become very positive about learning or doing things at better pace than before. 
Thanks for your time, hope it helps you, please do leave a comment to enrich leaning about mind and ways to encourage ourselves to become better at utilizing our most talented faculties  mind, energy, encouragement. 

Best Regards and happy improving and encouraging ourselves.
Praveen Dubey 😇
